Hello, World!

What the hell am I doing?

I’ve never blogged before, I have a very minimal understanding of electronics, and I’m terrified of destroying an incredible relic from the 80’s.  But for some reason I’ve decided I’m going to tear apart the Heath-kit Hero-1 robot that my dad built back in the day and modernize his components.  Beyond that, it seems that there may be others interested in what I’m about to do and how I’m doing it, and so I’ve decided to blog about it.  How I’m going to do all of this?   I have no idea… so if you’re still with me, hang on tight… it’s gonna be a bumpy ride!

One Reply to “Hello, World!”

  1. Keep me updated….I’m doing the same thing to my a HERO ETW-18

    I inherited for services rendered in a repair shop,

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